Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Now that xams r over!!! (yay)...the best way i kill time is by swimming, playing stronghold crusader reading books, buying groceries, texting, listening to music(...what will a person be without music!!!) and sight seeing (yes 3 days of this routine r over and i plan to TRY to continue this till the coaching classes start for the next year) sometimes i seriously think that THIS is how my life should continue...tension free...ya...but i DO realize (sometimes ...if not most of the times) that i do hav days ahead of me that will see me struggling to move on towards success...struggling to stay ahead of others...struggling to make a teeny weeny itsy bitsy bit of space in this competitive 'rat race' world of ours...but i cant help it...cant avoid it...cant run away to make MY life a bit different from what it is and what it is going to be...cos one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it i noe...i gotta enjoy what comforts lyf throws at me when i still have the chance (already missed it in my school life...don't want to miss it in my college one).:)...:P